English patch criminal girls

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My belief was further diminished when NIS America decided to edit out the bathing scene mini-games in Mugen Souls and Mugen Souls 2 – prompting me to import and write a mini-review of Criminal Girls: Invitation in late-2013.īut to my surprise, the company announced their plans to work on the game during their games panel at Anime Expo 2014, with them subsequently confirming that they wouldn’t be censoring the game into a shell of what it was previously.

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While I have previously thrown some of my support behind a localization, I remained skeptical that it would ever be released outside of Japan given the sexual undertones and displays of punishment which are heavily prominent in the “motivation” mini-games, a defining feature of Criminal Girls. After it was discovered that the credits to the original Japanese PlayStation Portable release of Criminal Girls gave special thanks to Nippon Ichi Software America, there have been rumours that this was indicative of an eventual international release.